Proprietary rights of the HRvalue Report™ questionnaire (including the model, all dimensions and clusters, sections and topics covered, and questions) as visible in the questionnaire, survey, reports, this website and other material, belong to EC Blignaut (professionally known as Liezel Pheiffer Blignaut) and all rights pertaining to copyright and intellectual property rights are reserved.

Unauthorised saving, storing, printing, capturing, downloading, sharing, disclosing, perusing, disseminating, reproducing, copying, translating, adapting, reverse engineering and/or using by any means and in any form, and in part or in whole, of the HRvalue Report™ questionnaire and/or report is strictly prohibited and will constitute a copyright infringement.

Human Capital Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd (hereafter referred to, and also trading as HCBsolutions) owns the licensing rights to use the HRvalue Report™ questionnaire.

The participating client company (hereafter referred to as the Client) may save, store, print, and share their paid-for HRvalue Report™ reports internally only for its own internal use, provided that the copyright notices and other proprietary notices remain visible.

HCBsolutions and EC Blignaut owns the sole and exclusive rights to the data captured from all survey responses, and to use, quote, share, publish and present any consolidated analyses, benchmarking data, reports and findings for other studies or analyses without limitation.
The Client, through participation, automatically grants HCBsolutions the rights to use the data from its participation for statistical analysis.

HCBsolutions will ensure that such reporting, information, publications or presentations do not contain any information that associates the Client with specific results achieved, unless otherwise agreed in writing or if the Client agreed to inclusion in the HRvalue Champions™ which would be an indication of a specific favourable score that the Client achieved.

Individual responses of participants in the HRvalue Report™ are confidential and anonymous.
Participants’ email address, name, biographical questions answers, browser history and IP address are used for survey administration (i.e. tracking responses and completion and sending automated emails) and to allow participants a ‘Save and Continue’ option if they can’t finish the survey in one sitting.
Responses will be processed in groups. Where applicable sub-groups reports will be generated based on the biographical questions (provided there are more than 5 responses from a sub-group).

The third party Survey Software Provider (Qualtrics) (hereafter referred to as Software Provider) are provided on an ‘as is’ basis. Neither HCBsolutions nor the Software Provider makes implied or expressed warrantees of any kind that the product (HRvalue Report™ survey and/or report) and services will be error-free or that all non-conformities can or will be corrected.

HCBsolutions makes not guarantee of the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of any information of the product or Software Provider database, and are not responsible for any errors or omissions arising from the use of such information; any failures, delays or interruptions in the delivery of any content or services contained on the Software Provider servers; or losses or damages arising from the use of the content or services provided by the Software Provider.

Although the Software Provider will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy, reliability, security, timeliness and performance of the online hosting, software or links, HCBsolutions makes no representations and disclaims all liability for the foregoing. Changes are periodically made by the Software Provider on the website and to the software and may be made at any time. The Software Provider website may be unavailable or access may be interrupted from time to time due to technical issues. The Software Provider does not warrant that its server is free of viruses, infection, worms and other harmful cookies or properties.

HCBsolutions shall not be liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly form causes beyond its reasonable control or non-performance of the Software Provider, or loss of partial or complete survey responses. The Software Provider website is designed to be used by using a modern web browser or operating systems and a reliable and secure Internet connection.
HCBsolutions disclaims any liability for damages caused by the product, the deliverables or the Software Provider software or web site, unless due to its intentional wrongdoing.

HCBsolutions shall in no event be liable for lost profits, lost data, interruptions of business, or any special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to run the survey, regardless of whether HCBsolutions had notice of the potential for such loss or damage.

The total liability of HCBsolutions for any claim or damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of the product, hosting, deliverables or services, shall not exceed, in aggregate, the fee paid to HCBsolutions by the Client or a third party on its behalf.

To the extent allowed by law, the Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless HCBsolutions or its Software Provider against any and all claims and expenses arising from the product and/or the use of the Software Provider web site, including reasonable attorney fees.

Notwithstanding any provision in these Terms, HCBsolutions reserves the right to, at any time as it seems appropriate and at its sole and absolute discretion, make changes to the HRvalue Report™ questionnaire or reports, including but not limited to the methodology, questionnaire, reports, or a Third Party provider, pricing, terms and conditions, or agreement with third parties.

The Client understands and agrees that feedback on results and findings, can only be presented by external professionals who are certified and/or approved by HCBsolutions.

All advice and recommendation and any decision in connection with the implementation of any advice and recommendations from the results of the survey results and/or recommendations, shall be at the sole discretion and responsibility of the Client.

The Client acknowledge that HCBsolutions would want to use its name and/or logo for inclusion in the list of HRvalue Champions™ and any other marketing material, subject to the prior approval of the Client.

The HRvalue Report™ and HRvalue Champions™, name, logo, and device are trademarks or registered trademarks of EC Blignaut.

The contents of this website are the copyright of HCBsolutions and all rights are reserved.

HCBsolutions hereby authorizes you to view, print and distribute information, pages and links on this website, subject to the conditions that it is used for information purposes only, used for non-commercial purposes and that any copy of a document, or part thereof, must include a notice of copyright belonging to HCBsolutions, and contain a link to this Legal Notice webpage.

HCBsolutions respects the privacy of its visitors, and do not collect any personal information through the website. We do, however, collect information about which pages are visited, the order in which they were visited, which hyperlinks they click, and through which search engines they arrived to this site. This information helps us evaluate the effectiveness of various parts of the website and search engines.